Sri Ananta Deva
founder of Tantra Palermo
Tel: +39 - 331.1110793

Work experience
Job position
2014 - 2018
Head of the Palermo office of the Devi Tantra Yoga® school
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the internship "The transfiguration of the senses" - Palermo, 28 September 2014
Host of the INTRODUCTORY EVENING OF TANTRA at Massage & Yoga Academy - Athens, 11 October 2014
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the internship "The inner vibration of the snake" - Palermo, 9 November 2014
Conductor of the internship "Meditative Sensuality and Sacred Touch of Tantra-Tantric Ritual Massage®" - Palermo, December 20-21, 2014
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the internship "Sacred Relations" - Palermo, February 15, 2015
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the internship "The divine energy of the Lingam and the Yoni" - Palermo, April 12, 2015
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the internship "Sacred sexuality" - Palermo, May 17, 2015
Conductor of the PATH OF TANTRA "Sadhana tantrica" - Palermo, September 2014 - June 2015
Maya Swati Devi's assistant at the "Tantric Vacation 2015" (intensive residential training of Tantra, Tantra Yoga and Sacred Touch of Tantra) - Alcamo Marina (TP), 12-18 July 2015
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the internship "Sacred Relations" - Palermo, April 2-3 2016
Maya Swati Devi's assistant at the "Tantric Vacation 2016" (intensive residential internship of Tantra, Tantra Yoga and Sacred Touch of Tantra) - Castellammare del Golfo (TP), 17-23 July 2016
Conductor of the introductory stage of Tantra for men only "The eternal dance of Shiva" - Bologna, 4-5 March 2017
Conductor of the introductory evening of Tantra and satsang "Tantric Alchemy: the mystical union of Shiva and Shakti" - Bologna, 4 March 2017
Maya Swati Devi's assistant at the "Tantric Vacation 2017" (intensive residential internship of Tantrism, Tantra Yoga and Sacred Touch of Tantra - Shakta and Kaula Tradition) - Castellammare del Golfo (TP), 15-22 July 2017
Maya Swati Devi's assistant at the 2018 tantric holiday "Alchemy of Tantra" (intensive residential internship of Tantrism, Tantra Yoga and Sacred Touch of Tantra - Shakta and Kaula Tradition) - Castellammare del Golfo (TP), 15-21 July 2018
Job position
2010 - 2013
Founding member of the Yantra Palermo association
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the Intensive tantra training 2010/2011 - Palermo, November 2010 - July 2011
Assistant to Swami Shri Param Eswaran to the Intensive Seminar of Para-Tan Sound Healing, the highest form of tantra - Palermo, 10-15 May 2012
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the Intensive tantra training 2011/2012 - 2nd level - Palermo, February / July 2012
Assistant of Maya Swati Devi at the stage of SACRED AND MYSTICAL SEXUALITY "The sacred union of Shiva and Shakti and the mystery of tantric sexuality" - Palermo, 24-25 November 2012
Conductor of the introductory seminar of tantra "The Divine within us" At the "Rapa Nui" Association - Messina, 10 November 2012
Conductor of the introductory seminar of tantra "The Divine within us" At the "Grounding Institute" Association - Catania, 11 November 2012
Circle conductor by tantra Para-Tan "Yoni Healing" At the Association "Clan of the actors - Messina, January 5, 2013
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi at the stage of SACRED AND MYSTICAL SEXUALITY "Yoni & Lingam Worship" - Palermo, February 2-3, 2013
Conductor of the stage of SACRED AND MYSTICAL SEXUALITY "The sacred union of Shiva and Shakti and the mystery of tantric sexuality" At the "Nata Raja Yoga" Association - Rome, February 16-17, 2013
Conductor of the TANTRA ROUTE FOR MEN ONLY "The eternal dance of Shiva" - Palermo, March-June 2013
Assistant to Swami Shri Param Eswaran to internships "Alchemy of Tantric Love" and "Yoni Healing" - Palermo, May 17-27, 2013
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the internship "Live Tantra in reality" - Palermo, 29 September 2013
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the internship "Sacred Relationships: sacred relationships between divine beings" - Palermo, 1 December 2013
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the internship "Meditative sensuality" - Palermo, February 2, 2014
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the internship "Meditative sexuality" - Palermo, 30 March 2014
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the internship "Sacred sexuality" - Palermo, 1-2 June 2014
Conductor of the PATH OF TANTRA "Sadhana tantrica" - Palermo, September 2013 - June 2014
Thai Massage
Sound & Music
Interview with Ananta Deva
Episode of "Beyond the Veil of Maya", a program curated by Silvia Consolo on RDE, entirely dedicated to Tantra and theme of sacred sexuality.

2010 - present
2010 - present
You have to Tantra Yoga
2008 - 2011
Three-year course of Tantra and Sacred Touch of Tantra held by Maya Swati Devi
Internship "THE SACRED TOUCH OF TANTRA" conducted by MAYA SWATI DEVI and KIRAN - Palermo, 3 - October 5, 2008
Tantra stage for couples only "THE DIVINE ENERGY OF LINGAM AND YONI" conducted by MAYA SWATI DEVI and KIRAN - Palermo, February 28th - March 1, 2009
Residential internship of TANTRA AND SACRED TOUCH OF TANTRA in Umbria with MAYA SWATI DEVI and KIRAN - Castel Giorgio (TERNI), 11 - 17 July 2009
Intensive internship "THE ALCHEMY OF TANTRIC LOVE" with the Indian Master SHRI PARAM ESWARAN, organized by Maya Swati Devi in collaboration with IFC India - Castel Giorgio (TERNI), 17 - 19 July 2009
Intensive internship for couples only "YONI WORSHIP - LINGAM WORSHIP" - The sacred rituals of Shiva and Shakti with the Master SHRI PARAM ESWARAN - Sinalunga (SIENA), 5 - 8 December 2009
Internship YONI HEALING "The Worship of the Divine Feminine" with Master Shri Param Eswaran - ROME, 18 - 20 December 2009
Intensive tantra training 2009/2010 conducted by Maya Swati Devi - Palermo, November 2009 - June 2010
Intensive residential stage of Tantra and Sacred Touch of Tantra "Worship of the body as a sacred temple" conducted by Maya Swati Devi - Tuscany, 23 - 25 July 2010
Travel to India "Spiritual Routes: the ways of Tantrism Shaktas and the great Goddess" organized by Maya Swati Devi and Mudrarte Milano - Haridwar, Rishikesh, Srinagar, Nainital, Varanasi, Allahabad, Chitrokoot, Jaipur, 7 - 21 August 2010
Theoretical seminar of Tantrism held by Gianfranco Bertagni At the Yantra Cultural Association - Palermo, March 26-27 2011
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi to the intensive Yoga and Tantrism internship "The Divine within us" - Montegrotto Terme (PD), July 17/24, 2011
Theoretical seminar "The union between masculine and feminine: sexuality and the sacred in Taoism and Tantrism" held by Gianfranco Bertagni At the Yantra Cultural Association - Palermo, 7-9 October 2011
Travel to India "Spiritual Routes: the ways of Tantrism Shaktas and the great Goddess" organized by Maya Swati Devi and Mudrarte Milan - Rajasthan, 7 - 21 August 2012
Residential internship of TANTRA AND SACRED TOUCH OF TANTRA conducted by Maya Swati Devi - Montorgiali (Tuscany), 1-2-3 November 2013
Travel to India "Tantric Spiritual Tour & Retreat" organized and led by Maya Swati Devi - Goa and Karnataka, 17-30 August 2015
Traditional Tantra Yoga residential training internship conducted by Maya Swati Devi - Scansano (GR) 8-11 December 2016
Aom Yoga and Ayurveda Center Palermo
2009 - 2010
Course for Abyangam Operators (Ayurvedic massage) held by Alessandro Puccio
Nuad Bo-Rarn Italian Academy Palermo
Course of Californian massage held by Maria Barone
Palermo Yantra Association
2011 - 2012
Course theoretical-practical Ayurveda I level (theory, Pindaswed, Dhara, Abyangam) held by dr. Sebastiano Lisciani and the therapist Martina Garber
Athens Massage & Yoga Academy
Course of Massage Thai 1st level taught by Nick Paraskevopoulos