Shalini Devi
Traditional Tantra Yoga teacher and collaborator of Ananta Deva

Work experience
Job position
2014 - 2018
Collaborator of the Palermo branch of the Devi Tantra Yoga® school
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi at the residential stage of TANTRISM, TANTRA YOGA and SACRED TOUCH OF TANTRA "The divine way of fusion with Shiva and Shakti" - Scopello (Trapani), 15-19 July 2014
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi, conductor of the ANNUAL SCHOOL OF TANTRISM AND TANTRA YOGA - Palermo 2014/2015:
· stage "The transfiguration of the senses" - 28 September 2014:
· stage "The inner vibration of the snake" - November 9, 2014
· "Sacred Relations" internship - February 15, 2015
· stage "The divine energy of Lingam and Yoni" - April 12, 2015
· "Sacred Sexuality" internship - May 17, 2015 ​
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi at the annual KAMADEVI course for women only "The way of female sexual ecstasy" - Palermo 2014/2015:
· "THE SECRETS of BEAUTY and LOVE del Kamasutra" - 8 November 2014
· "FEMALE SENSUALITY: the sacred touch of the Goddess" - December 20, 2014
· "THE SACRED DANCES of the dancers of the temples" - February 14, 2015
Assistant of Sri Ananta Deva at the "SADHANA TANTRICA" path (the practice of Tantra in daily life) - Palermo, September 2014 - June 2015
Assistant of Sri Ananta Deva at INTRODUCTORY EVENING OF TANTRA at Massage & Yoga Academy - Athens, 11 October 2014
Assistant of Sri Ananta Deva, conductor of the stage "Meditative Sensuality and Sacred Touch of Tantra-Tantric Ritual Massage®" - Palermo, December 20-21, 2014
Maya Swati Devi's assistant at the "Tantric Vacation 2015" (intensive residential training of Tantra, Tantra Yoga and Sacred Touch of Tantra) - Alcamo Marina (TP), 12-18 July 2015
Assistant of Maya Swati Devi at the intensive internship for women only KAMADEVI "Secret practices of the Yoginis and Shakti Egg" - Palermo, April 2, 2016
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi at the "Sacred Relations" stage - Palermo, April 2-3, 2016​
Maya Swati Devi's assistant at the "Tantric Holiday 2016" (intensive residential training of Tantra, Tantra Yoga and Sacred Touch of Tantra) - Castellammare del Golfo (TP), July 17-23, 2016
Host of weekly Traditional Tantra Yoga meetings from October 2016 to May 2017 at the school's Palermo office You have to Tantra Yoga
Assistant to Maya Swati Devi allo Traditional Tantra Yoga residential training internship - Scansano (GR) 8-11 December 2016
Maya Swati Devi's assistant at the "Tantric Vacation 2017" (intensive residential training of Tantrism, Tantra Yoga and Sacred Touch of Tantra - Shakta and Kaula Tradition) - Castellammare del Golfo (TP), 15-22 July 2017
Host of traditional Tantra Yoga weekly meetings since October 2017 in May 2018 at the school's headquarters in Palermo You have to Tantra Yoga
Maya Swati Devi's assistant at the 2018 tantric holiday "Alchemy of Tantra" (intensive residential internship of Tantrism, Tantra Yoga and Sacred Touch of Tantra - Shakta and Kaula Tradition) - Castellammare del Golfo (TP), 15-21 July 2018
Host of traditional Tantra Yoga weekly meetings since October 2018 in May 2019 at the Xinergie center and headquarters of the school Devi Tantra Yoga of Palermo.
Traditional tantric yoga
Sound Healing
Thai Massage
2010 - present
2010 - present
You have to Tantra Yoga
Three-year course of Tantra and Sacred Touch of Tantra held by Maya Swati Devi
SACRED AND MYSTICAL SEXUALITY Stage "The sacred union of Shiva and Shakti and the mystery of tantric sexuality", conducted by MAYA SWATI DEVI - Palermo, 25 November 2012
SACRED AND MYSTICAL SEXUALITY Stage "Yoni & Lingam Worship", conducted by MAYA SWATI DEVI - Palermo, February 3, 2013
Stage of SACRED AND MYSTICAL SEXUALITY 2nd LEVEL, conducted by MAYA SWATI DEVI - Palermo, 21 April 2013
Residential internship of TANTRISM, TANTRA YOGA and SACRED TOUCH OF TANTRA "The divine way of fusion with Shiva and Shakti" conducted by MAYA SWATI DEVI - Scopello (Trapani), 18/20 July 2013
YOGINI stage, conducted by MAYA SWATI DEVI - Palermo, 28 September 2013
Stage "Live Tantra in reality", conducted by MAYA SWATI DEVI - Palermo, 29 September 2013
Stage "Sacred Relationships: sacred relationships between divine beings", conducted by MAYA SWATI DEVI - Palermo, 1 December 2013
Stage "MEDITATIVE SENSUALITY", conducted by MAYA SWATI DEVI - Palermo, February 2, 2014
Stage KAMA DEVI "the way of sensual female ecstasy", conducted by MAYA SWATI DEVI - Palermo, March 29, 2014
Stage "MEDITATIVE SEXUALITY", conducted by MAYA SWATI DEVI - Palermo, 30 March 2014
SACRED SEXUALITY Stage "the way of mystical tantric ecstasy", led by MAYA SWATI DEVI - Palermo, 1-2 June 2014
Intensive Seminar of Para-Tan Sound Healing, conducted by the Indian master Swami Shri Param Eswaran - Palermo, 11-13 May 2012
Workshop "Alchemy of Tantric Love", conducted by the Indian master Swami Shri Param Eswaran - Palermo, May 17-18, 2013
Trip to India "Tantric Spiritual Tour & Retreat" organized and led by Maya Swati Devi - Goa and Karnataka, 17-30 August 2015
Athens Massage & Yoga Academy
Massage Course Thai 1st level taught by Nick Paraskevopoulos
Seminar "At the origins of the disease" held by Antonio Bertoli, direct student of Alejandro Jodorowky
Athena Nova
April 15 - May 20 2021