"The term Yoga, which is traditionally derived from the Sanskrit root Yuj (unite, bind), indicates a technique of asceticism, a method of contemplation that leads to the progressive detachment from transient reality and has as its supreme goal the mystical union with the Absolute.
The yogi can penetrate into the most secret forms of matter and the universe, perceive the nature of the mind and come to grasp the creative thought which is defined as divine.
Alongside classical yoga, which owes its formulation to Patanjali, there are other forms of Yoga such as those with a magical and mystical structure; and it is to these forms that the Siva-samhita refers.
The common aim of all Indian doctrines is the liberation of man from suffering: the proposed remedies differ.
Yoga aims at the arrest of mental fluctuations, the quiescence of all modes and functions of the mind. It is necessary to empty the mind and to succeed it must follow a progressive path that includes learning positions (asanas) suitable for meditation, since a wrong position cannot keep the mind quiet; these positions must be accompanied by muscular contractions (bandha), by psychophysical processes or gestures (mudra) and by purifications (kriya), breath control (pranayama).
The methods of controlling the body and mind are the subject of hatha-yoga, which can be considered a synthesis of Yoga and Tantra.
In fact, Tantrism, which constitutes a stage in the evolution of all the main Indian religions and which is accompanied by a rebirth of Saktism, adopts the exercises of Yoga, in turn influencing it considerably.
Tantric metaphysics considers absolute reality as the union of all dualities and polarities reintegrated in a state of absolute unity; creation and becoming represent the rupture of the primordial unity and the separation of the two supreme principles Siva and Sakti. The supreme reality is pure consciousness and the mental and matter proceed from it.
Pure consciousness is Siva, united with his Sakti (power, energy), who is the Great Devi, the mother of the universe. It resides as life force (Sakti-Kundalini) in man himself, in the lowest center (cakra), the muladhara, located at the base of the spinal cord, while Siva is realized in the highest brain center, the sahasraracakra. The purpose of the tantric ritual is precisely to achieve the union of Siva and Sakti in the body and mind of the practitioner, who thus succeeds in restoring the state of the universe before creation. "
Tantra Yoga offers a unique approach that focuses on the use of our deepest source of energy: sexual energy, the most powerful form of energy in the human being, manifestation and expression of Shakti, divine feminine principle, also called Kundalini Shakti. The body is considered as a temple in which this immense force lies dormant which, through specific practices, can be awakened and channeled.
Therefore sexuality has a special place in the practice of Tantra Yoga, but it is not based only on it. Tantra Yoga is concerned with all energies and manifestations of Nature, including the body and sexuality, as well as the Spirit. From this point of view, everything can be used as a tool for spiritual evolution: food, Nature, mind, emotions and so on.
Only through the conscious use of these tools can we realize our evolution, physical, mental and spiritual.
“The common aim of all Indian doctrines is the liberation of man from suffering: the proposed remedies differ.
Yoga aims at the arrest of mental fluctuations, the quiescence of all modes and functions of the mind. It is necessary to empty the mind and to succeed it must follow a progressive path that includes learning positions (asanas) suitable for meditation, since a wrong position cannot keep the mind quiet; these positions must be accompanied by muscular contractions (bandha), by psychophysical processes or gestures (mudra) and by purifications (kriya), breath control (pranayama). "
The practice of yoga and meditation are useful and important tools to cope with the discomfort generated by the upheaval of our lives in the last few weeks. They can allow us to respond to the fluctuations of life so that we are not shaken by them. It is necessary to look at anxiety and fear for what they are, defense mechanisms, instinctive reactions in the face of a threat, real or presumed. Fear breeds disconnection and separation. The more we learn to distinguish the real problem from the emotional aspect with which we react to it, the easier it will be to understand how to behave. Let's start with the body. It is important to reconnect with the body and its wisdom, at the natural time of things, with the energy of the heart chakra. It is an excellent opportunity to cultivate care, integrity, unity, the rediscovery of what is truly important, to be present and to keep hearts open.
"Love has a wide breath, in a metaphorical as well as in a real sense. An open heart chakra manifests itself exactly with a sensation of opening in the chest, a free flow of breath that crosses the chest with its rhythmic movement and affects in the other chakras, both high and low ... in addition to making the mind more balanced and focused, it brings us back to our central chakra, giving us incredible inner stability. Connecting our changing thoughts, feelings and sensations to the continuity of the breath is perhaps the high road to nurture and open the energy of the heart. This will lead us to an understanding of things that does not come from the intellect, but from intuition. "
The meetings can take place in individual mode, as a couple (including friends) or group (in a very small number in accordance with safety regulations based on the capacity of the room), and online, to continue to offer you our presence. and to maintain contact, in the same way but without limits in the case of a group. They are open to all!
Click here to read the testimonials of those who have tried Tantra Yoga
Palermo center
GOOGLE MEET platform
weekly meetings to be agreed
from 19:00
The meetings are conducted by Shalini Devi
For detailed info on his biography click here