Sacred male sexuality
Path for men only
conducted by Ananta Deva
"There is no medicine, food or spiritual redemption capable of prolonging a man's life if he fails to achieve the harmony of sexual energy"
A path designed for men who want to rediscover their own divine and "lunar" essence, regain the sacred pride of Lover and Father, prepare for the encounter with the Radiant and "solar" Woman, learn to live like "Dancing Shivas on earth ".
Sexual energy is the most powerful form of energy we have, it is the creative energy par excellence, the primordial source of all kinds of creation, source of life and therefore sexual energy is vital energy.
The semen contains a large amount of vital energy, consequently an ejaculation involves a waste of energy. In the West, ejaculation and orgasm are synonymous while in the Tantric tradition, and not only that, it is not at all like this. Ejaculation is not orgasm, it is only a consequence of it. It is certainly a very intense pleasure, but it only lasts a few seconds.
Through Tantric and Taoist practices we go to move sexual energy, but the alchemical work is to ensure that it does not disperse but is directed and transmuted, conveying the orgasm inwards and avoiding the leakage of fluids, so as to maintain higher and longer one's energy and increasing vitality.
you will learn to worship Shiva and to be worshiped as Shiva (which means worshiping the Lingam, the sacred male organ), you will discover the rituals of loving yourself by entering the eternal divine dance of Shiva / Shakti.
The purpose of Tantra is to open the doors of the heart, to obtain this it is necessary to be open to acceptance and the absence of judgment towards oneself and others.
“The Lunar Man is the present, sensitive man who offers nobility, protection, supply and strength for the creation of all life. He explores his Soul and is able to cleanse his energy from the programs that alienate him. "
The path, theoretical but above all practical, corporeal and at the same time spiritual, is structured in five meetings of at least a couple of hours each that develop through tantra yoga exercises, breathing, meditation, energy channeling, meditative sensuality practices. , sensitization of the body, discovery of the five senses, transformation and expansion of energy in the body:
Tantric and Taoist principles for conscious sexuality
Male reproductive system: the Lingam
Sperm retention techniques to preserve sacred lunar energy
Exercises to strengthen the perineum and anus
Non-ejaculatory male orgasm: man can be multi-orgasmic!
Self Loving Ritual: making love to yourself without losing the semen
Lingam reflexology
Massage Lingam / testicles / prostate
Overcoming impotence and premature ejaculation
Female reproductive system: the Yoni
Female Orgasms: The woman is naturally multi-orgasmic
The secrets of tantric alchemy to transmute sexual energy alone or in pairs
Heterosexuality / homosexuality / bisexuality
Sacred and Conscious Sexuality: Transforming Sex into Love
Sacred Touch Ritual (man-to-man tantric ritual massage) and / or Lingam Worship (Lingam worship) to enhance Shiva's energy
The course is suitable for men of all ages, from adolescence to mature age, and of any sexual orientation. Since in Tantra you work with the energy of the moment and of the person, we invite you to contact us and describe your needs, to establish together the most suitable path. Times, meetings and the program are customizable and everything will be organized in accordance with your times.
It is also possible to schedule an initial consultation of 45 minutes, which will be free if you decide to take the path.
For detailed information on the biography of Ananta Deva click here .
Palermo center
send an email to info@tantrapalermo.com